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The 1000++ Artworks of media Oil On Canvas and containing the word gerhard richter, oil on canvas

Gerhard Richter - Abstract Painting 780-1Abstract Painting 780-1Gerhard Richter

Displayed in the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., “Abstract Painting 780-1” was a departure from Richter’s abstract paintings in grey-textured monochrome. Employing one of his non-conventional methods, he used squeegees on technicolour covered canvases to spread the colours all across. Rich...

Gerhard Richter - MoritzMoritzGerhard Richter

'Ostensibly a painting of his young son, Mortiz exemplifies Richter's affinity for striking a tense balance between abstraction and figuration. This painting is a hybrid, seemingly fluctuating between two contrasting, unfinished areas, one section realistically rendered (in part harking back to Rich...

Gerhard Richter - Abstract PictureAbstract PictureGerhard Richter

'In a series of completely abstract works of the early 1990s, Richter challenges the eye of the viewer to detect anything in the field of vision other than the pure elements of his art: color, gesture, the layering of pasty materials, and the artist's impersonal raking of these concoctions in variou...

Gerhard Richter - CloudsCloudsGerhard Richter

'Clouds is an example of how Richter frequently alternates between realist and abstract styles in various series of work, as well as on a single canvas. In this instance, even the title bears an ambiguous relation to the entire composition. In the lower region of the canvas, for instance, Richter su...

Gerhard Richter - Stadtbild SA (219/1)Stadtbild SA (219/1)Gerhard Richter

From the very beginning of his career, Gerhard Richter has investigated the nature of the images of the era of globalisation that blurs the confines between reality and its reproduction. /

MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts (Rome, Italy)
Gerhard Richter - Man Shot Down 1Man Shot Down 1Gerhard Richter

'For most of his career, Richter avoided political motifs in his work. A notable exception is the series October 18, 1977, in which he depicts radical Baader-Meinhof terrorists who inexplicably died in jail (it remains unclear to this day whether these young radicals committed suicide or were murder...

Gerhard Richter - 1024 Colours1024 ColoursGerhard Richter

In the 1960s, Gerhard Richter had a bout of creative block, he had run of ideas for figurative paintings, which had dominated his work. He went on to create new artworks with no figure or subject. This is how his colour chart paintings were born. 1024 colours are one of his well-known colour chart p...

Gerhard Richter - Abstract PaintingAbstract PaintingGerhard Richter

'In 1976, Richter first employed the term ''Abstract Painting'' as a formal title for many of his works, such as this example. Cool tones of purple and blue create a hazy, shallow atmospheric perspective. The composition is structured with geometric shapes and lines that might at first appear as fra...
